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Kemenko Marves, ESDM, and KKP sign the Implementing Arrangement of Decommissioning and Reutilization Project of Unused Oil & Gas Platforms

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The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) signed the Pilot Project for Decommissioning and Rig-to-Reef Re-Utilization of Offshore Plants implementation in Indonesia held at the Ministry of Tourism Marves Office, Jakarta, Monday (1-31-2022).

The “Implementing Arrangement Pilot Project for Decommissioning and Rig-to-Reef Re-Utilization of Offshore Plants,” also known as the “Pilot Project Demolition and Transfer of Oil and Gas Bridge Functions,” was signed by the Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Ministry of Marves, Basilio Dias Araujo, and the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of ESDM, Prof. Ir. Tutuka Ariadji, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU and also witnessed by PLT Director General of Marine Space Management KKP, Dr. Ir. Pamuji Lestari, M.Sc., representing the Secretary General of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, who has not been able to attend.

“Today, thanks to the cooperation and support of the brothers, we can carry out the signing of Implementing Arrangement to Pilot Project the Demolition and Transfer of The Function of the Oil and Gas Bridge,” said Basilio Dias Araujo, Deputy for The Coordination of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy’s of the Ministry of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy.

He stated that this agreement is a follow-up to the Maritime Cooperation MoU signed on October 13, 2021 between the Governments of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea. The preparation for the implementation of work in this pilot project has been observed to be moving smoothly. This is inextricably linked to the assistance offered by the KKP, the Ministry of ESDM, and other ministries and institutions.

“Today’s a signing activity is a manifestation of the seriousness of all parties involved, to realize the commitments that have been agreed upon by the two countries,” he said.

This Implementing Arrangement document, he explained, will serve as a framework for a pilot project to transform unused oil and gas platforms into artificial coral reefs. In expects that, as a pilot project, what is sought will become one of the solutions to the problem of post-operational oil and gas rigs in Indonesian waters.

In addition to the three platforms that will be put into production as part of this plan, he explained, there are 100 post-operational oil and gas platforms which must be addressed. “Obviously, it is our collaborative hope that we’ll be able to dismantle all of the platforms in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner,” he said.

Furthermore, Deputy Basilio stated that cooperation with the Republic of Korea is expected to result in the presence of alternative solutions to the problem of the remaining 100.

Besides that, today’s signing of the document does not mark the closure of the procedure, but instead the beginning of work to solve existing problems. Furthermore, the implementation of this pilot project should be shuttled until it can be completed.

“After the signing of this document, we still have a lot of planning and work to do. We hope that throughout the pilot project’s implementation, coordination and cooperation across sectors will operate properly, having allowed activities to proceed as planned without significant constraints inside the framework and time frame that we have set”He continued.

Finally, Deputy Basilio thanked all parties for their support, that allowed this document to be signed immediately, and congratulated all involved parties on their efforts.

Aside from the Indonesian government, the signing of the implementing agreement signed pilot project demolition and transfer of the function of the oil and gas bridge by Kemenko Marves in cooperation with the Ministry of ESDM and KKP it also included representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Korea-Indonesia Offshore Research Cooperation Centre (KIORCC), and other invited guests.

This article was originally published in Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves)’ website