KMOU BRES Centre Signs MoU with IAFMI

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26-28 August 2024 – The annual Association of Indonesian Oil and Gas Production Facilities Expert (IAFMI/Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia) forum, namely the Oil and Gas Production Facilities Forum (FFPM), was organized and completed in Surabaya on 26 – 28 August 2024, supported by MEMR and SKK Migas. 

The theme of the 2024 FFPM was “Enhancing National Oil & Gas Industry Resilience amidst Growing Competition”. This forum holds particular importance with Indonesia’s oil and gas landscape and energy demands, specifically in anticipation of the growing reserve discoveries in the country and the development of mega projects and related environmental and safety concerns. The IAFMI Chairman, Mr. Taufik Adityawarman, underlines the need to have updated expertise for the industry, hence having dedicated events to discuss best practices and technology advancement is key to shaping experts in the field.

In attendance included stakeholders from the government, state-owned enterprises, contractors, and industry vendors. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in its opening remarks also underlines the urgent need to repair, replace, inspect, and check the over 60% of aged oil and gas facilities in Indonesia, and that safety expertise for this matter needs to be accommodated. 

In support of IAFMI objectives and potential collaborations with Korean companies, KIORCC has supported the drafting and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IAFMI and KIORCC’s operator, the Business Research Education Support Center (BRES Center) of Korea Maritime and Ocean University Cooperation in the Field of Energy and Oil & Gas during the event. This MoU aims to be a bridge for meaningful collaborations in knowledge sharing and business promotions in the field.

Over the three days of the forum, the event further facilitated important panel discussions and technical sessions, including topics in energy security, sustainability to fulfill ESG, AI for remote monitoring applications, low carbon emission fuel, and resource scarcity challenges. The KIORCC co-Director, Mr. Cho Ilhyung also presented on the topic of CCUS , specifically emphasizing the importance of the “fit for purpose” of CCUS technology.

KIORCC is eager to develop meaningful collaborations with IAFMI in the future, and looks forward to continuing to support future projects in Indonesia.