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KMOU’s BRES Center, CSM, KIORCC Visits Seafarer Training Institutions in Semarang

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23 July 2024 – As part of the visit agenda of representatives from the Business Research Education Support Center (BRES Center) under the Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU) and Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM; Korea branch), KIORCC assisted maritime academy visits in Semarang, Central Java.

Following visits to academies in Jakarta, Semarang has also become another city of interest for potential collaborations and program developments for Seafarers interested in recruitment for LNG cargo handling. During this visit, BRES Center was represented by the Director General, Prof. Dr. Oh Jinseok, while CSM was represented by the Country Director, Mr. Choi Hoon Sik, and KIORCC by Co-Director, Mr. Cho Ilhyung.

The first academy visit was to the Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang (Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, “PIP Semarang”), which operates under the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation, Republic of Indonesia. Along with discussions on vocational training, certification programs, and potential collaborations, a facility tour was led by the school concerning LNG handling.

On top of PIP Semarang, a visit was also conducted at the Indonesian State Maritime Polytechnic (Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia, “Polimarin”), operating under the Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. More discussions on training programs and courses were held between the Korean delegation and the Polimarin board.

KIORCC hopes to continue to support Seafaring collaboration activities in Indonesia with Korean Shipping companies and develop certification and related training required for future recruitment opportunities.