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Feasibility Studies on East Kalimantan Platforms

  • Post category:Research

KMOU had a decommissioning feasibility study of 3 platforms in ATTAKA field and 4 platforms in YAKIN field.

The ATTAKA and YAKIN field located in East Kalimantan Area, owned by Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT).

In case of 3 platforms in ATTAKA field, KMOU recommended to have an Artificial Reef (R2R) for re-utilization option.

As a reefing strategy, Marine Research Center of Indonesia, recommended to use Bontang area as a reefing site.

In case of 4 platforms in YAKIN field, KMOU recommended re-utilization options of these platforms as a scrapping. It depends on the size and water depth, 4 platforms in YAKIN field is too small to accommodate the other re-utilization options.