29 March 2024 – A meeting was held between Minister Kang Do-Hyung of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea (KMOF); Prof. Dr. Oh Jinseok, Chairman of KMOUC; and representatives of LNG Korea, Kogastech, Soosan Industry, GasEntec, and KHAN to discuss their recent wins to develop and operate LNG infrastructure in the Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi clusters, Indonesia.
This project will be conducted through a consortium with other Indonesian companies, in collaboration with PLN Energi Primer Indonesia (PLN EPI).
During this meeting in Sejong City, the KIORCC Chairman and company representatives discussed their experiences and goals in entering the Indonesian market.
KMOF recognizes Indonesia’s massive potential offshore plant service industry development and encourages Korean companies to take part in the next step of offshore technology advancement. Minister Kang further stated that “systematic support is important for the offshore plant service industry, which has emerged from its inception, to leap forward as a new marine and fisheries industry” and added, “We will continue to communicate with the industry as it is essential to listen to opinions from the field and cooperate with industries and organizations for effective support.”
Acknowledging KIORCC’s role to support the Nusa Tenggara project, Minister Kang additionally shares the KMOF plan to expand cooperation centers in Indonesia and the ASEAN region, and to support financing and research needs of industry players.