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KMOU’s BRES Center, CSM, KIORCC Visits Seafarer Training Institutions in Jakarta

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22 July 2024 – Following the rising interest of Korean shipping companies to support the training of qualified Indonesian seafarers in shipping, including specifications in LNG cargo handling, KIORCC has been supporting research activities within the training programs available in Indonesian Seafaring Academies. 

Along with KIORCC, representatives from the Business Research Education Support Center (BRES Center) under the Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU), joined by Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM; Korea branch), visited public and private institutions available in Jakarta. In this case, BRES Center was represented by the Director General, Prof. Dr. Oh Jinseok, while CSM was represented by the Country Director, Mr. Choi Hoon Sik, and KIORCC by Co-Director, Mr. Cho Ilhyung.

During this occasion by the Korean delegation, a visit was completed at the Jakarta Merchant Marine Institute (Balai Besar Pendidikan Penyegaran dan Peningkatan Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta, “BP3IP”). BP3IP is a public service agency operating under the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation, Republic of Indonesia.

BP3IP is an institution providing marine training and competence-building for Seafarers and offers a range of programs applicable to certification requirements needed for vessel recruitment. The Korean delegation during this visit discussed available programs and technology for training and was further provided a tour of the institution’s facilities.

Besides BP3IP, the delegation also visited the Maritime Science College ex. Indonesian Maritime Academy (STIMar AMI), a private academy for the maritime sector. Accredited by both the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Transportation, STIMar AMI provides vocational training and proficiency training for multiple fields in the Maritime sector.

This visit showcases the great potential Indonesian academies/institutions hold in partnering to develop new programs and updated certifications with Shipping companies. This potential could be a beneficial addition to new Shipping businesses, and for bigger opportunities to develop and prosper Indonesian Seafaring manpower.